Herbert Strutt Primary School

Herbert Strutt Primary School

We Care, Challenge, Achieve and Open Minds

Thornhill Avenue, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 1SH

Email: enquiries@herbertstrutt.derbyshire.sch.uk

Tel: 01773 822771

Vision, Values and Aims

Our Vision: We Care; Challenge; Achieve; and Open Minds.

Herbert Strutt Primary is:

 “Full of exciting and challenging experiences, where pupils are helped to develop a love of learning and to be their best.

It is a caring and safe community, where everyone is respected and included.

Pupils' achievements are celebrated and the whole community is proud of themselves and of each other."

Our Values:

Aim high and be PROUD of yourself!

We want everyone involved with our school to make it a place where people are:

 Persevering to achieve personal goals

                        Respectful, polite and well-mannered   

                        Open-minded and tolerant of the views and beliefs of other people

                        Understanding of themselves and of others

                        Determined to make the most of every opportunity


Our Aims:

At Herbert Strutt, we aim to ensure that all children are happy and challenged, enjoy learning and celebrate their achievement, in a safe and secure environment. We have high expectations for all our children in both learning and behaviour, these are reinforced though the use of a badge system: Gold, Silver and Bronze. Pupils review the rewards and expectations linked to this system each year through their class councils.

We encourage our children:

  • to love learning and to do their very best
  • to behave well at all times
  • to respect themselves and others
  • to be proud of themselves and their school environment
  • to show tolerance and understanding to others
  • to have positive attitudes to learning

Behaviour and discipline

We have high expectations for all our children, parents, governors and staff; in both learning and behaviour. As a school, we promote self–discipline and respect for authority, teaching children to make the right choice. We encourage and reward good behaviour at all times and aim to develop a sense of responsibility for self and others.

We have the following school rules:

  • We respect each other
  • We use kind words and actions
  • We listen and learn

As well as these we have class rules, that have been agreed by the children. We need your support in maintaining our high standards of behaviour, and would like you to help us by teaching your child to understand and keep to the school rules.


We aim to deliver a curriculum that offers all pupils every opportunity to achieve their full potential; staff are skilled at involving pupils in the design of learning challenges for each topic and have high expectations of all their pupils. They do not set limits of achievement based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, disability or sexuality. Equally, all pupils are encouraged to develop their own talents and interests, are given the confidence to be themselves and protected from undue pressure from others. For further detail, see the Curriculum tab.

As part of Derbyshire's Anti-Bullying Commitment, we are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our children, so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our school. If bullying does occur the incidents are dealt with promptly and effectively. Work on anti bullying is carried out through assemblies and as part of our PHSE curriculum. Annual "friendship" surveys are used to evaluate and improve our provision. Bullying can be physical, verbal or emotional, but is deliberate and systematically repeated over time. We have a recording and reporting procedure, which allows us to track reported incidents and keep all parties aware of any possible bullying issues. The school's anti-bullying policy can be seen on the policy section of the website.

British Values

At Herbert Strutt Primary, we have a clear set of values that permeate everything we do. We work hard to develop these within our children, so that they will carry them forward into their adult lives, as part of the people they grow up to be. 

Please click here to see how we promote them in school

How we prepare pupils for later life - Feb24

Last update: 2024-02-28
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